The more diverse our employees are, the stronger our team is

Do you want to be a part of a fast-growing, global water cleantech company and work with environmentally friendly, non-chemical water disinfection solutions?
ULTRAAQUA UV is continuously looking for UV industry professionals as well as interns and dissertation collaborations.

If you believe you’d be a great addition to our team, please send your application to or call +45 70 23 10 20.

We encourage applicants of all backgrounds and perspectives to apply – the more diverse our employees are, the stronger our team is.

Current openings


With an increasingly growing business, we are continuously searching for dedicated and resourceful members to join our organization. Please see the active openings below. If you believe you can bring value to our diverse organization, we also accept unsolicited applications. We look forward to hearing from you.

Mechanical Engineer/Technical Designer for Development and Design Tasks

We are looking for a skilled and committed mechanical engineer or technical designer to join our development team to help design and develop the next generation of UV disinfection systems.

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Nordic Sales Manager – Experience with UV/Ozone or Aquaculture

We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Nordic Sales Manager to join our dynamic sales team.

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Rejsemontør (In Danish)

Har du erfaring indenfor montage/service/plastsvejsning? Vi søger en positiv og engageret montør med ordenssans.

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Produktionstekniker/Montør (In Danish)

Arbejdet består af montage, afprøvning og kvalitetskontrol af UV-desinfektionssystemer. Endvidere at hjælpe med pakning/emballering. Derudover skal du som alle andre hjælpe med at opretholde høj effektivitet samt at holde produktionsområdet ryddeligt og velorganiseret.

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Tavlebygger (In Danish)

Vi har en el-afdeling, som trænger til at blive styrket, og du vil i samarbejde med kolleger i produktionen deltage primært i tavlebygning fra bunden, I/O pre-test, ajourføring af styklister og el-tegninger.

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Unsolicited internship

We are always open and interested in passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds.

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    Want to learn more?

    Get in touch with us here. We strive to get back within 24 hours on all inquiries.

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